COMING TO TERMS, 12 min, Drama, 2016
Sally and Eddie are eager to reunite with their dad in Heaven, as they are convinced there's a beautiful afterlife in Paradise.
A score based on the folk Irish song Women of Ireland (Mna na hEireann) was an absolute necessity for the director as it set the exact tone and pace he was looking for on a tale like this.
An extremely diverse crew included citizens of 13 different countries around the world: from Iceland to Japan or Brazil, to name a few.
The visually striking poster of The Spirit of the Beehive, a Spanish classic from the 70's, inspired the director to come up with the story for Coming to Terms.
A 24 ft techno crane was used for a more dramatic encounter between the kids and the train.
To keep production safe, the challenging final scene with the moving train took three days to shoot.
The train studio used in Coming to Terms was also used in movies like Inception, Knight&Day, or Unstoppable, and is located right outside of Los Angeles, in Fillmore, CA.
All the exterior scenes were shot at Magic Hour (sunset), which called for very short days of filming.
Behind-the-scenes, by Gene Avakyan,
Behind-the-Soundtrack, by Luciano Piaggio,
Cameraman, Revista Técnica Cinematográfica, #90,, “La Fotografía al Servicio de la Interpretación”, by Raúl Liébana, pages 38-43. (Spanish)
From 2015 to 2017, Coming to Terms garnered a total of 45 Awards and 103 Official Selections in the Festival Circuit.
- Third Prize Fiction (among 2,542 films) at Festival Intl. de Cortos de Torrelavega [Spanish Academy Awards Goya® qualifier] (Spain, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Festival Plataforma Nuevos Realizadores Madrid [Spanish Academy Awards Goya® qualifier] (Spain, 2016).
- Best Short Film at Aberdeen Film Festival (Scotland, 2016).
- Grand Jury Prize at Festival des 24 courts (France, 2016).
- Best Short Film at CortiSonanti, Festival Internazionale per cortometraggi (Italy, 2016).
- Best "Bridge" Film at Corti a Ponte Film Festival (Italy, 2016).
- Award of Excellence at Catalina Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at 13th Monaco International Film Festival - Angel Film Awards (Monaco), 2015.
- Best Production Design at 13th Monaco Intl. Film Festival - Angel Film Awards (Monaco, 2015).
- Best Festival Film at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (USA, 2016).
- Best Drama at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (USA, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (USA, 2016).
- Best Ensemble Cast at Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (USA, 2016).
- Audience Award at Los Angeles Movie Awards Festival (USA, 2015).
- Best Short Film at Action on Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Actor Short - Michael Maino - at Action on Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Sound Design at Action on Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Runner-up Young Performer Female Short - Carissa Bazler - at Action on Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Actress - Nancy Daly - at Asheville Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Second Prize Fiction at Farcume, Festival Internacional de Curtas de Faro (Portugal, 2016).
- Award of Excellence Special Mention at The IndieFest Film Awards (USA, 2016).
- Best Student Film at Los Angeles Movie Awards Festival (USA, 2015).
- Best Score at Los Angeles Movie Awards Festival (USA, 2015).
- Best Editing at The Los Angeles New Wave Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Student Film at Golden Door Film Festival of Jersey City (USA, 2016).
- Best Student Film at California Intl. Shorts Festival (USA, 2015).
- Best Student Film at Fort Myers Beach Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Honorable Mention at Short. Sweet. Film Festival, (USA, 2017).
- Special Mention at Promofest - Short of the Year (Spain, 2016).
- Best Score at Cinema Blue Festival (Spain, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Cinema Blue Festival (Spain, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Gioiosa in Corto (Italy, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Curtmiratges (Spain, 2016).
- Best Cinematography at Columbia Gorge Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Sponsor's Prize at Festival Intl. de Cinema de Povero (Italy, 2016).
- Best Short Film, Section "Shorts are also cinema" at Semana de Cine de Autor de Lugo (Spain, 2016).
- Impact Award at Mt. Vernon International Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Founder's Award at North Carolina Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Director Award at iHolly Film Festival (USA, 2017)
- El Rey Award for Excellence in Dramatic Narrative at Barcelona Intl Film Festival (Spain, 2017).
- Platinum Awards, Newcomer Film, at Filmmaker of the Year (Indonesia, 2017).
- Gold Awards, International Short Film, at Filmmaker of the Year (Indonesia, 2017).
- Best Trailer at Garden State Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Best Trailer at Focus Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Award of Excellence at Accolade Competition (USA, 2015).
- Cannes Film Festival, Short Film Corner (France, 2015).
- Festival de Cine de Zaragoza [Spanish Academy Awards Goya® qualifier] (Spain, 2015).
- Festival Iberoamericano Cortos Abc - Fibabc [Spanish Academy Awards Goya® qualifier] (Spain, 2016).
- Fastnet Film Festival (Ireland, 2016).
- Hollyshorts Film Festival (USA, 2015).
- Long Island Intl. Film Expo (USA, 2016).
- Toronto Independent Film Festival (Canada, 2016).
- Long Beach Indie Intl. Film Media & Music Festival (USA, 2016).
- Knoxville Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Irvine International Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Hang Onto Your Shorts Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Chain NYC Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Glendale Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Louisville Intl. Festival of Film (USA, 2016).
- Pachuca Film & Short Festival (Mexico, 2016).
- New Life Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- CortoEspana (Spain, 2016).
- Colony Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Action on Film Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Fiafest - Festival Intl. Audiovisual de Colombia (Colombia, 2016).
- Cine a la Calle (Colombia, 2016).
- Festival de Cortos Rodinia (Italy, 2016).
- Mexico Intl. Film Festival (Mexico, 2016).
- Winchester Short Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Fly Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Premios Pavez de Talavera de la Reina, preselection (Spain, 2016).
- XVIII Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes Aula 18 (Spain, 2015).
- III Festival Intl. de Cine de Galdar (Spain, 2015).
- Festival Intl. de Cortos Atenea, Fescora (Spain, 2015).
- Festival Intl. de Cortos Santiago Arizon (Spain, 2016).
- Mamers-en-Mars, European Film Festival (France, 2016).
- Durango Independent Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Sedona International Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Beaufort International Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Pasadena International Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Hill Country Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Emerge Film Festival (USA, 2017).
- Madrid International Film Festival (Spain, 2017).
- Back in the Box competition (USA, 2016).
- Rencontres du court métrage de Bourg-en-Bresse (France, 2016).
- Salento Intl. Intl. Film Festival (Italy, 2016).
- Cyprus Intl. Film Festival (Cyprus, 2016).
- Festival de Cine Corto de Salamanca (Spain, 2016).
- Premio de Cine Bernardino Zapponi (Italy, 2016).
- Festival Gradual Murchante (Spain, 2016).
- Los Angeles Cinefest (USA, 2016).
- Festival de Cine Contracorriente (Colombia, 2016).
- Hawaii Intl. Short Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Trinity Intl. Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Festival Intl. de Cinema de Cerdanya (Spain, 2016).
- Kingston Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Tanger Film Festival (Morocco, 2016).
- Full Bloom Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Studio City Film Festival (USA, 2016)
- Fingal Film Festival (Ireland, 2016).
- Northeast Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Corti Etnaci Film Festival (Italy, 2016).
- Villamare Film Festival (Italy, 2016).
- Nyack Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Festival de Cine y Vino de La Solana (Spain, 2016).
- Bienal Intl. de Video y Cine Contemporaneo Videofest (Mexico, 2016).
- Il Corti in Spiaggia (Italy, 2016).
- Ponferrada Film Festival (Spain, 2016).
- Orlando Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Washington PA Film Festival (USA, 2016).
- Videolab Film Festival (Italy, 2016).
- Wendy's Shorts (USA, 2015).
- Barcelona Planet Festival (Spain, 2015).
- Film Trailer Festival (USA, 2015).
- Widescreen Film & Music Video Festival (USA, 2017).